- *Pre-2000 Articles and Books Excluded:
- Navigating the Jurisdiction of American Courts, February 2018
- Re-Designing the American Antitrust Machine Part I: Treble Damages, Contribution and Claim Reduction, (published in “Douglas H. Ginsburg, an Antitrust Professor on the Bench,” Liber Amicorum, by the Institute of Competition Law), 2018
- Fasten Your Seat Belts: Here Comes the Trump Administration, Concurrences N° 4-2016 (published as part of a symposium “What is Trump Antitrust?”), Fall 2016
- Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Extraterritoriality and Comity, Fall 2015
- Schrödinger’s Cat and Extraterritoriality, Antitrust Magazine, Fall 2014
- Eurotunnel and the Short Sea Battle Between the French and the English: A U.S. Perspective, Revue Concurrences N° 1-2014, Art. N° 62589 (with Daniel K. Oakes), February 2014
- Rethinking U.S. Antitrust Policy and Administration: Joining the Rest of the World in the 21st Century, published in Liber Amicorum, “William E. Kovacic – An Antitrust Tribute, Vol. II” by the Institute of Competition Law, 2014 (with Donald I. Baker)
- The Supreme Court’s 21st Century Section 2 Jurisprudence: Penelope or Thermopylae? 11 Sedona Conf. J. 137 (2010) (with Daniel Matheson)
- In Reversal, DOJ now Targeting Monopolization – Antitrust Division disavows Bush policies, plans to enforce §2 of the Sherman Act rigorously, The National Law Journal (November 2, 2009)
- Developments in the Law: The Presumption of Shareholder Liability and the Implications for Shareholders in Private Damages Actions, Global Competition Litigation Review (Issue 4, 2009) (with Sarah Jordan)
- EU and U.S. “Competing” via their Competition Regimes, European Affairs (2009)
- Intellectual Property and Antitrust: Two Scorpions in a Bottle, The Sedona Conference Journal (Volume 10, Fall 2009)
- The Incredible Shrinking Scale and Scope of American Antitrust 1976-2007, presented to the Sedona Conference, October 26-27, 2007
- Presumed Guilty: Shareholder Liability for A Subsidiary’s Infringements of Article 81 EC Treaty,8 Bus, Law Int’l (2007) (with Sarah Jordan), also available nom. Présumé Coupable: Responsibilité de l’actionnaire pour les infractions commises par une filiale à l’Article 81 du Traité Instituant Le Communauté Européenne
- The Unsettled and Unsettling Nature of U.S. Competition Law Governing Single Firm Conduct, presented to The Sedona Conference, October 27, 2006
- Unilateral Conduct by “Dominant” Firms in the US: Principles and Practicalities, 2005 Competition Law Invitational Forum, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada 2005 (with Barbara O. Bruckmann)
- The Strange State of American Law Relating to Unilateral Conduct by “Dominant” Firms, Presented before The Conference of the International Bar Association, Auckland, New Zealand, October 27, 2004 (with Barbara O. Bruckmann)
- Foreign Purchasers Limited in Mounting Antitrust Suits in U.S. Courts, But Door not Closed all the Way,The Daily Deal, July (2004)
- Trends in Private Antitrust Enforcement: The Monopolist Next Door, The Antitrust Review of The Americas 2003 (with James Kress)
- Live and Let Die, 10 George Mason L. Rev. 3 (April, 2002) (with Howard Rosenblatt)
- A Bundle of Trouble: The Aftermath of GE/Honeywell,Antitrust Magazine, Fall, 2001 (with Howard Rosenblatt)
- Transatlantic Antitrust: Convergence or Divergence, Roundtable Discussion,Antitrust Magazine, Fall, 2001 (with Francisco-Enrique Gonzalez-Diaz, Bruce Korgut, and Carl Shapiro)
- GE-Honeywell: Chill or Challenge for Global Cooperation?Antitrust Report, September, 2001 (with James F. Rill)
- Single Firm Conduct and Developments in Private Antitrust Litigation,The Antitrust Review of the Americas (November, 2000) (with Margaret Zwisler)
- Antitrust 2001,Co-Chair(with William P. Barr) of a two day program on antitrust sponsored by Fulcrum, Inc and featuring the leading five officials from both the FTC and the DOJ (September 28-29, 2000)
- The FTC on an Antitrust Tear, The Corporate Legal Times, Special Supplement on Litigation and Technology (June, 2000) (with Scott Flick).