
America in Turmoil presents a thought-provoking collection of essays by John DeQ. Briggs, a Washington lawyer and a founding editor of The Chesapeake Observer. This diverse compilation of essays, originally published as individual columns, delves into pivotal events spanning late 2019 through the tumultuous years of 2020-22.

From the murder of George Floyd’s and the transformation of the BLM movement to the aftermath of the 2022 elections and beyond, Briggs offers a pragmatic examination of affairs with a focus on practical approaches to solutions rather than partisanship. His assessments, along with very readable digressions into economics, education, law and policy, books, movies, streaming programs, and more offer nuanced views rooted in his New England Republican background.

Addressing such topics as taxation, immigration, abortion, cancel culture, education, and Afghanistan, America in Turmoil challenges readers from all sides of the political spectrum to think critically about the nation’s most pressing challenges. Briggs’ perspective fosters a much-needed dialogue, encouraging lawmakers and citizens alike to focus on solutions rather than assigning blame. With a fair and practical lens, this collection guides readers toward understanding and addressing the complex challenges facing the United States.